We leverage the power of many perspectives
By working together, we can speak and advocate with a common voice for the changes we wish to make. And make a greater impact for the emerging adults we all seek to support.
Driven by this common goal we decided to establish a collective initiative, with several Nordic stakeholders. With partners in both public and private sectors, in academia and mental health practices, as well as emerging adults, we represent and include all aspects of the issue. And although trends and support systems do differ across the Nordic region, there are still far more issues that bind us together than keep us apart.
Our intention is to have partners join financially, but also with their skill sets, networks and sector expertise. Together, we bring a unique ability to assess and advise the social entrepreneurs we believe have the largest potential for helping the most vulnerable emerging adults.
Our approach
Mental health is about much more than the absence of mental disorders. It is not just about surviving, it is about thriving and living to our full potential. Next in Mind applies World Health Organization's definition of mental health
“Mental health is a state of mental wellbeing that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community. It is an integral component of health and well-being that underpins our individual and collective abilities to make decisions, build relationships and shape the world we live in.
Mental health is more than the absence of mental disorders. It exists on a complex continuum, which is experienced differently from one person to the next, with varying degrees of difficulty and distress and potentially very different social and clinical outcomes.
Mental health conditions include mental disorders and psychosocial disabilities as well as other mental states associated with significant distress, impairment in functioning, or risk ofself-harm.“

We apply six core concepts within mental wellbeing that is our foundation to create sustainable impact.
1. Mental Health as a basic human right
Everyone, whoever and wherever they are, has a deserving and inherent right to the highest attainable standard of mental wellbeing.This includes:
the right to be protected from mental health risks.
the right to available, accessible, acceptable and good quality care.
And the right to liberty, independence and inclusion in the community.
4. Multisectoral approach
Given the diverse factors determining mental wellbeing, interventions to promote and protect mental wellbeing should be delivered across multiple sectors and disciplines. Care for people with mental health conditions often requires services and support that extend beyond clinical treatment.
2. Mental wellbeing exists on a complex continuum
Mental wellbeing is ranging from optimal wellbeing to debilitating states of suffering and emotional pain. At one end, individuals experience a state of optimal wellbeing, where they flourish and thrive. Conversely, at the opposite end, they may encounter profound emotional distress and suffering. It's essential to recognize that everyone's position on this spectrum can vary throughout their lifetime and that we cannot only define mental wellbeing as states of severe illness and diagnosis.
5. Emerging adults perspective first
Innovations we invest in should be Accessible, Affordable and Acceptable for Emerging adults. Our Emerging adults advisory board will be a part of assessing the innovations based on the these perspectives.
3. The Social determinants of wellbeing
Mental wellbeing and many common mental disorders are largely shaped by the social, economic, and physical environments in which people live. Social inequalities are associated with an increased risk of many common mental disorders. A social determinants of wellbeing approach requires action across multiple sectors and levels, including individual, family, community, structural, and population levels. These diverse factors can either protect or undermine mental wellbeing, shifting an individual's position on the mental wellbeing continuum.
6. Develop and drive data-driven impact
The path to measuring impact in an effective and qualitative way within mental wellbeing is a challenge. It is important that we scale up interventions that show evidence based potential to be effective. To do that we need to be a part of driving and exploring ways to measure impact so we can take data driven decisions when investing and scaling innovations within mental wellbeing.
Danish Design Center
As a non-profit foundation, they focus on fostering innovation and sustainable growth through design. Their open-source knowledge and resources are accessible to all, and they offer market-based services for training and counseling to companies and organizations.
Kinnevik is a growth investor and the co-founder of Reach for Change. They back digital companies for a reimagined everyday and to deliver significant returns while also possessing their own entrepreneurial spirit and eagerness to do practical efforts and take responsibility.
Ing Marie Wieselgren Foundation
Ing Marie Wieselgrens stiftelse is a newly founded foundation that aims to support initiatives from individuals, businesses or organizations, across all social sectors and target groups, with a focus on mental health. Particular emphasis is placed on capturing risks and strengthening protective factors for children and young people.
Perspetivo is a research company offering representative data; data that mirrors the diverse perspectives and demographics in the Nordics.
Lorensbergs was founded in 1995 with a passion to combine outstanding learning design with a psychological depth and scientific tools and methods.
Norwegian Council for Mental Health
The Norwegian Council for Mental Health (NCMH) comprises 31 organizations advocating mental health. We focus on prevention, youth mental health, workplace inclusion, treatment improvement, and research support, striving to influence policy and promote well-being for all.
Kavli Fund
Kavli Trust is the foundation that owns Kavli Group, and which distributes the entire profit to good causes. They prioritize work with child and adolescent mental health, in particular preventive interventions, life skills and education, and have a large focus on the climate and environment, with an emphasis on responsible consumption and production.
Impact Startup Norway
They connect ventures with investors, providing tailored support through their Accelerator and Studio programs. Funded by partners, their aim is to drive positive societal change by enabling more solutions to succeed.
Eva Ahlström Foundation
Eva Ahlström's foundation believes in the power of action, collaboration and structural transformation. They are a humanitarian organization that above all supports women and children by collaborating with established non-governmental organizations.
Illusian invests, partners with and support world-class entrepreneurs as they create products and services to help their communities – be it for profit or not for profit. Their mission is to increase equality, reduce social exclusion and support sustainable investing.
Bain and Company
Bain is a global consultancy that helps change makers define the future. They work with the ambition to achieve extraordinary results, redefine industries and create vibrant ecosystems of innovation. Additionally they invest in pro bono services to tackle today’s urgent challenges.
Northzone is a multi-stage venture capital fund dedicated to founders who take on whatever the world throws at them. Their perspective is shaped by lives as entrepreneurs and they have a large focus on responsible investments that result in positive social or environmental outcomes.
Ashoka Nordics
Ashoka Nordic is the first independent and systems change oriented organization covering the Nordics. We bring nearly 40 years of experience working globally with systems change, social entrepreneurship and how to inspire and enable people to become Changemakers in their lives, businesses and communities.
Meet our reference group
Meet our emerging adults