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Here are the 20 mental health innovators mindfully selected for the Next in Mind incubator program
After an extensive selection process, Reach for Change, The Inner Foundation, and the Tim Bergling Foundation now reveal the 20 Nordic social entrepreneurs who are selected to the new incubator program Next in Mind. Next in Mind will invest in and support solutions for mental health for emerging adults, aged 18-29. They will all receive an initial investment of 300,000 SEK and in depth business development support until the end of 2025.
Emerging adults experience lacking support for their mental health
In the Nordics, 70 percent of all emerging adults aged 18-29 have experienced mental health issues, while 5 out of 10 choose not to seek help due to stigma. Among those who do seek help, a majority (65%) feel that the support they receive is of poor quality, they are misunderstood or not taken seriously. This is highlighted in a new survey, the first of its kind that ensures representation of emerging adults (18-29) with a foreign background in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland. The survey was conducted by Perspetivo on behalf of Reach for Change, The Inner Foundation, and the Tim Bergling Foundation. here